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Gifts of Nature

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Gifts of Nature

This full-day session invites participants on a self-assessment journey through understanding personal preferences to help you gain a deeper understanding into what makes you, you!

The Myers-Briggs model is based on Carl Jung’s theory of Psychological Type and looks at patterns in behaviour that help us to understand how people perceive the world and make decisions. There are four categories that the model explores: Introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving.

It will help you to gain:

  • An understanding of your own preferences, which can help to identify your own special strengths.

  • An insight into what kinds of work you might enjoy and be successful in doing.

  • An understanding and appreciation of others and how best to engage and motivate the different types.

  • Information about how others may see you.

“There is much to be gained by appreciating differences and much to be lost by ignoring them or condemning them… But the first step towards seeing others as distinct from yourself is to become better acquainted with your own traits of character.” – David Kiersey

Gifts of Nature
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